Monday, December 12, 2011

Autumn Leaves

When the leaves are this colorful, who would notice that the sky is gray?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Almost-Finished Crafts

We've been working on clearing out the guest room to get it ready to become a nursery.  It has been quite a task, as the guest room also housed storage, a lot of miscellaneous books, and all of my craft stuff.  In going through my craft stuff I found a box full of almost-done projects.  
All of them are so close to being done, that I wondered why I didn't finish them before.  And then I realized that each of them had an item or two that I still needed to get from the store.
I made this hat about a year ago, just after my birthday in 2010.  All it needs is to have ribbon sewn on.  I had the ribbon; so what's the problem?  I had no matching thread.
I made these sweaters over the summer just after we found out that Baby P was on the way.  Both sweaters  are missing buttons.  Also the one on the right needs an eye, a beak, and feet embroidered on to the ducks on the front.
This project is a little more embarrassing because it has been almost-finished for a few years now!  When David and I were on our honeymoon in Ireland I bought yarn, and later made these Christmas stockings for our first married Christmas.  Because of the two-color patterns there are "floats" of yarn along the inside, and when you stick your hand inside your fingers catch on them.  To fix this, I've been meaning to line the stockings.  Each year at the beginning of the holiday season I have the best intentions of getting this done, but here we are at Christmas number four!
These hats are made using scraps of leftover yarn from other projects.  I made them both sometime in the last year.  They also need to be lined.
Last weekend I trekked out to Fabric Depot to got all of the odds and ends that I need to finish these projects.  My goal is to complete them all up before the new year.  I'll keep you posted as I finish them up!


I think most of the people who read this blog know already, but in case you don't: I'm pregnant!! 

 The baby is due at the beginning of April, and it's a boy! 
We are very excited to be growing our family, and we cant wait to meet "Baby P" when he gets here!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a small gathering for Thanksgiving this year, but we still cooked up a storm.
Even Sprocket helped.
We tried a new dessert: Dutch apple dumplings. They were tasty!