Monday, November 2, 2009


Last week our CSA share included several heads of romanesco. For those of you who don't know, romanesco is related to cauliflower. It looks pretty similar to cauliflower, except that it's green and spiky. We had some last night with dinner, and it was pretty good.
Our garden is pretty much done for the year. We had a fairly good year. We started out with strawberries, which produced very well, and blueberries which did okay. We planted raspberry vines this year, but didn't get any berries. We harvested tomatoes pretty much constantly from mid summer through September. We also had a few small beets, a few jalapenos, and a plethora of basil. The lettuce didn't really work out, as it bolted before we got around to eating it! We never got around to pulling up the carrots, or onions, but neither had looked very promising.
David went out yesterday to pull up the dead plants and do a general clean up of the garden for the winter, and look what he found:
Our lone onion, and the carrot gang
These intertwined carrots look like a heart!

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