Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Produce Bags

Each week when we get our bin of vegetables we have to decide where to put them all.  When you get lettuce at the grocery store you just grab plastic bag from the reel and stick the lettuce in.  Well, the CSA doesn't provide plastic bags, and while we do try to save our old ones we frequently run out.  
So I decided to make some cotton produce bags out of an old bed sheet.  So far I've made four and they are working out pretty well.  My only complaint would be that they aren't see through, so I have to open up the top to see what's inside.  For example, this morning I thought that I had pulled out the lettuce, and went to get some out to put on David's sandwich, but it turns out that I'd grabbed the bag that had bok choi in it!  They sure do feel similar!
The bags have a casing for a drawstring, but so far I've only made one.  It takes a while to make a cord with my knitting spools!

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