Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Tiger

March's book club book was The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival by John Vaillant.  It is the true story of a man eating tiger in Eastern Russia in the 1990's.  I actually listened to it on CD, because I was able to get a copy from the library sooner that way.  I think that listening to it was definitely the way to go, for me at least.  With my long commute, I was able to make it through the book fairly quickly, and painlessly.  It was an interesting story, but there were a lot of tangents, so I think if I'd been reading an actual book I would have found it a lot harder to power through it.  The tangents covered everything from Russian history, to big cat psychology.
It's probably not a book that I would have picked for myself, but in telling David about it he thought that it sounded interesting, and he's probably going to read it, too.

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