Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Long Walk

It's been a while since I've posted.  You might be thinking that nothing exciting has happened.  But actually, I keep on taking pictures, intending to post them, but then I forget.  So I'm going to post several posts to catch up! 
A few weeks ago Sprocket and I took a long walk in a park near our house.  The park doesn't really have a name.  I call it: the-park-next-to-the-waste-water-treatment-plant, which makes it sounds kind of lame.  It's really nice though, and usually not crowded.  (This is probably because it doesn't have a name, so people can't really talk about it effectively!)
Here's Sprocket, all ready for a nice long walk!
A view of Mt. Hood over the Columbia Slough.
Sprocket contemplating a sculpture in the park.

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