Last weekend, I got all of our winter outerwear out and organized it. This is probably the most organized that the coat closet will ever be.
I hung our scarves on a spare hanger, and put our hats, mittens, and gloves in a basket below. It's always fun to look through our hats and scarves because so many of them are homemade. There's the pale green scarf that my mom made me when I was in college, that is still a staple in my winter wardrobe. There's also the green and gray hat that I made for David the first Christmas that we were dating, that I stayed up half the night to finish. And while not homemade, I have a red wool scarf and a tan and red knit had that I bought on our honeymoon in Ireland, so they are still full of happy memories.
Then we went through our coats, donated a few that we don't really wear, and hung the rest up.