Monday, November 29, 2010

New Rug

After painting our bathroom last month, we put the finishing touches on the room with this new rug.
Even Sprocket likes it!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


We had a great Thanksgiving!  We had so much fun, that we forgot to take very many pictures!
Me, showing off my lovely apple-cranberry pie.
The table all set for dinner.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giant Pile of Leaves

 If you thought that the pile of leaves that we found a few weeks ago was big, then you've gotta see this one!
There were so many pine needles on the ground that the asphalt path looked like it was a dirt road!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First Snow

It snowed last night.
But only on the north side of the house.

Lap Dog

Somebody better tell Sprocket that he's too big to be a lap dog.
He seems to think that he's just the right size!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Getting Ready for Winter!

Last weekend, I got all of our winter outerwear out and organized it.  This is probably the most organized that the coat closet will ever be.
I hung our scarves on a spare hanger, and put our hats, mittens, and gloves in a basket below.  It's always fun to look through our hats and scarves because so many of them are homemade.  There's the pale green scarf that my mom made me when I was in college, that is still a staple in my winter wardrobe.  There's also the green and gray hat that I made for David the first Christmas that we were dating, that I stayed up half the night to finish.  And while not homemade, I have a red wool scarf and a tan and red knit had that I bought on our honeymoon in Ireland, so they are still full of happy memories.
Then we went through our coats, donated a few that we don't really wear, and hung the rest up.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Atomic Escarole

This escarole is giant!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

King of the Mountain!

Yesterday Sprocket and I got to UP early, and while we were waiting for David to be done with work we wandered around campus.
It's funny how different pictures turn out with different settings.
Sprocket had fun playing on the rocks around the bell tower!

Monday, November 15, 2010

New Coat

David's cousin was getting rid of this coat, and I thought that it was cute, so she gave it to me.  When I got it home I realized that it was just a little bit too big.
The coat has a belt around the waist that had 2 buttons on it.  
The coat only needed a little adjustment, so I added a third button to cinch in the waist a little bit.
I used a neat feature on my sewing machine that automatically sews button holes.
So now I have a new coat that fits me well, and all I had to do was add a button!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cold Weather

The weather that we've been having makes me want to do this:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Birthday Dinner!

I planned a special dinner for my birthday yesterday.  I remembered to take the "before" picture.
But I forgot to take an "after" picture!
We had Beet and Beet Green curry, with Toasted Spices Lentils.  It was delicious!  And fabulously pink!  Here's the closest thing I have to an "after" picture: leftover cake!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fall is in Full Swing

Fall is now in full swing.
Sprocket and I took a walk to Columbia Park on Friday, and found that all of the trees have changed colors.
We also found this huge pile of dead leaves.  Sprocket wanted to jump into it, but I wouldn't let him!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Downward Facing Dog

Last night while I was stretching my back Sprocket came over to do some stretching, too.
We call this downward facing dog.  He does it a lot, but somehow we have never been quick enough with the camera to catch it on film before now!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Decorative Boxes

I recently found a tutorial online for making decorative fabric covered boxes.  Then when my mom was down here visiting we went to Fabric Depot and found this great fabric on clearance, so I bought a yard of it and set to work making my own fancy boxes!
To start I gathered the tools that I would need: cardboard boxes, fabric, a box cutter, and Mod Podge.
Then I followed this tutorial.
Voila!  Beautiful boxes that look like I could have bought them at a store!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Produce Bags

Each week when we get our bin of vegetables we have to decide where to put them all.  When you get lettuce at the grocery store you just grab plastic bag from the reel and stick the lettuce in.  Well, the CSA doesn't provide plastic bags, and while we do try to save our old ones we frequently run out.  
So I decided to make some cotton produce bags out of an old bed sheet.  So far I've made four and they are working out pretty well.  My only complaint would be that they aren't see through, so I have to open up the top to see what's inside.  For example, this morning I thought that I had pulled out the lettuce, and went to get some out to put on David's sandwich, but it turns out that I'd grabbed the bag that had bok choi in it!  They sure do feel similar!
The bags have a casing for a drawstring, but so far I've only made one.  It takes a while to make a cord with my knitting spools!

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Skirt

Over the weekend I sewed a skirt.  This was my first ever project that followed a pattern.  In the past I've done things that are pretty simple like square napkins, and a straight skirt with an elastic waist (no need for shaping or zippers).
This skirt is an a-line skirt with an invisible zipper in the back.
The zipper took a few tries, but I got it looking pretty good!
I also think that the skirt will go pretty well with both of my recently finished sweaters!  The little bit of blue that is the contrast color in the skirt fabric is a close match to the blue short sleeved sweater.
I think that the brown shrug will go well, too, although this picture makes it look pretty dark.