Thursday, December 9, 2010

Yogurt in the Crockpot!

I was recently reading about making homemade yogurt in a crockpot.  We eat yogurt all the time, usually with granola for breakfast.  It sounded fascinating so I decided to give it a try.  I forgot to take very many pictures,  but the one above shows everything that I used.  I used this recipe, although I used my teeny tiny 1-quart crockpot, so I had to monitor the temperature more closely instead of just relying on the times given   The basic steps are:
  1. Heat milk up to 180 degrees in the crockpot.  For me this took about 3 hours. 
  2. Turn the crock pot off, keep covered and let cool to 110 degrees.  This took me a few hours . . . I don't remember exactly how many!
  3. Put half a cup of yogurt (since it was my first time making yogurt I used store bought) and half a cup of milk in bowl and mix well.
  4. Put the milk-yogurt mixture back in the crockpot with the remaining milk and stir to combine.
  5. Cover the crockpot, wrap it in a bath towel and let sit for 8 to 12 hours.  
  6. You should now have yogurt!  Refrigerate for 8 hours for the best texture.
My yogurt was a bit runnier than store bought.  We're about out of the batch that I made last week, so I'm going to be making a second batch today.  I saved half a cup of last weeks yogurt to be the starter for my yogurt this week.  I've been thinking of getting some cheese cloth, and straining the yogurt in a cheese cloth lined colander over a bowl in the fridge to get a firmer texture.  I'll let you know how it goes!

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