Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Crazy Animals

When we were in Seattle last weekend, we went to a barbecue at David's godmother Vicky's house.  Vicky has two very fluffy cats.  Or rather they were very fluffy before they got shaved for the summer.  I've never heard of this before, but I guess I can understand that a really fluffy cat would get really warm when it gets hot out.
With the head still fluffy, she looks kind of like a lion.  Doesn't she?
In other animal related news, last weekend we also saw my good friend Jenny.  Jenny is a science teacher, so during the summer she gets to take the class pets home.  This includes the bearded lizard in the above picture.  His name is "Cricket Slayer".  David got to hold him . . . but all I wanted to hold was the camera!

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