Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fava Beans

Last weekend David and I made Spring Risotto, made with corn, peas and fava beans.  If you've never experienced the joy that is cooking with fava beans, let me warn you:  they are a labor intensive vegetable!
We started out with a big pile of fava beans.  It looks like a lot, doesn't it?
In fact, we started with 3.830 lbs of fava beans.
First we shelled the fava beans.  After this we had a big bowl of fava bean pods . . . 
 . . . and a small bowl of fava beans.
We had 1.040 lbs of fava beans, to be exact.  Now you may think that this is the end.  But no.
Next we skinned the fava beans.  It turns out that the fava beans themselves each have a tough skin that is not good for eating.  In order to skin them, we first blanched the fava beans for a minute or two.
So then we finally had the fava beans that we were going to eat: 0.618 lb.  For anyone who is wondering that 16 percent of the original fava bean pod weight.
After all that work we had worked up an appetite.  
Spring Risotto, yum!

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