Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I know that you've all been awaiting an update on that "sneak peak" post that I did last week, so here it is.  For a while now we've been talking about building a desk.  In fact, before we built our media center we talked about building a desk instead.  We love the Bedford Corner Desk from Pottery Barn . . . but it's a little out of our price range (okay, a lot out of our price range!).  Luckily Ana White, of ana-white.com, has created similar desk plans.  While building our own desk will cost significantly less than buying a desk, we still have to save up the money to buy the wood.  So we figured that it would be a while before we could have a new desk.  Then one day I was in our garage and I noticed this:
That's a pile of scrap wood, leftover from building the media cabinet.  It seemed like there was quite a bit . . . maybe not enough to build our whole desk, but definitely a start!  So I did what any good engineer would do, I mad a schematic.
Yep, I measured all the wood that we had, and figured out what pieces we could get out of it.  Once we ripped some 1x6's down to 1x3's we had enough to build one of the base units.  And we still have enough wood to build most of the other one!  We will have to get a sheet of plywood to make the desktop, and a few 1x2's, but that's a lot better than all the wood we thought we would have to buy!
We're going to start out with just shelves, and when we buy more wood later we'll build drawers to fit in those slots.  We'll be painting the whole desk white to go with the color scheme in our office.  

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