Friday, February 4, 2011

Stars and Hearts

A few months ago I went through my stash of yarn.  I got rid of about one third of it, mostly yarn that I had bought a long time ago, that I no longer liked.  There was some acrylic yarn, and a lot of "novelty" yarn.  With the rest of the yarn I tried to match up yarn with a pattern, and put them together in a Ziploc bag so that I could have ready made projects.  This way I would be able to easily use the yarn I already have, and not be as tempted to go out and buy new yarn.  In one of the bags I had a lot of small balls of yarn in the red-orange-yellow family of colors.  Many of these were yarns that I had dyed using kool-aid,  so I didn't have a large quantity of any one color.  I had matched this hodge-podge of yarns up with a hat pattern with a star design and ear flaps.
This design was actually commissioned for the first Harry Potter movie.  Baby Harry was supposed to wear this hat when he was left on his aunt and uncle's doorstep.  However, the night that they filmed that scene was warm, so they ended up not using the hat.  I actually made the smallest size, which was supposed to fit an infant, figuring that I know a couple of people who are pregnant and this would be a great gift to have on hand.  But I didn't really check my gauge, and apparently I used larger yarn than they had in mind . . . so instead it fits me.  I'm not sure where I would wear this hat, so it may go in my gift pile anyway.
When I was done knitting the hat, which took very little time, there were about a million ends to sew in.  That took forever!  When I was done I still had some yarn left, so I figured that I would save it and make another one someday . . . maybe once I'd forgotten about sewing in all the ends.
The very next day I cast on a second one.  Oops!  This one worked out better however, because I sewed in the ends as I went along.  I also switched to the heart pattern.  
Sprocket helped me block them!

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