Friday, January 14, 2011

Media Console

David and I take great pride in the fact that we can park our car in our garage.  We have a one car garage and we have managed to fit about a million things in there.  We have a large shelf unit that holds tools (hammers, screwdrivers, clamps, a router, and multiple saws), gardening stuff, biking accessories, canoeing accessories, and a few boxes of storage stuff.  We have 3 bikes, a lawn mower, a barbecue, and a deep freezer.  And still we usually park the car in there!
However, from August to November we weren't parking the car in the garage.  Instead we were using the garage as a workshop to build a media console.  
This media console is based on this one from Pottery Barn.  We used these plans from

We built our media console from scratch.  We bought lumber, nails, screws, and wood glue.  I learned how to use a bunch of the power tools that we have, and now we have a finished product that we are very proud of.
In case you were wondering, no we did not go to the trouble of making 16 drawers.  Those are all fake drawer faces.  There's a big cabinet in the middle, and larger drawers on the sides.
In case you are interested, below I've put some pictures from the construction of the media console.
David using a drill to screw in a screw.
Me using the drill.
Oops!  We broke a drill bit!
The "skeleton" of the cabinet.
Oops!  They forgot to make this screw into a screw!

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