Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sprocket and Kazul

Over the weekend, Melissa brought her new cat, Kazul, over so that we could meet him.
He and Sprocket hit it off right away. 
Kazul tried to hide from Sprocket in the bathroom.  Let's just say that there are now cat scratch marks about 5 feet  off the ground on the bathroom wall.
Once he figured out that the bathroom wasn't a good place to hide, he decided to get out of reach.
Sprocket so wanted to be friends and play, but Kazul would have none of it.
They were so intent on each other that David was able to get these picture without either of them moving so much as an inch.
David took Sprocket upstairs so that Melissa could calm Kazul down enough to get him down.  Then Melissa and Kazul left.  When Sprocket came back down, he was sure that the cat must be around the house somewhere.  He went and sat in the kitchen and looked up at the top of the cabinets again, waiting for Kazul to pop out!  Silly Puppy!

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