Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pink Cowl

Last year after I finished taking the PE, I bought this yarn as a reward for all the studying that I had done.  It is a wool silk blend, and since it's so soft and shiny and pretty I was waiting to find the perfect project to use it.
I thought that this cowl pattern was a perfect fit for my yarn.  Cowls go right against the neck's sensitive skin, and the combination of merino wool and silk is very soft and not a bit itchy.
I had only one skein of yarn, which made a cowl a good choice because it doesn't take much yarn.  I used the entire skein.  In fact I ran out of yarn when I still had about 10 stitches to bind off.  Luckily I had a different yarn that is a near match for color, and the bind off isn't easily visible.

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